What can i use instead of beer for beer pong?

Instead of consuming alcoholic beverages, simply fill the glasses with soda. You can use a variety of different fun refreshments or just one. The only problem with this is that upon losing, they are rewarded with a sweet gift. If you happen to hear that someone offers to exchange three sheep for a brick and an oar, chances are you haven't teleported to a medieval market, but you're eavesdropping on the type of transactions that take place during a game of Settlers of Catan.

Adored by self-styled nerds and casual players alike, this board game will take on three or four other people to build a successful civilization in the uninhabited land of Catan. The first player to score ten victory points wins. Think of Monopoly on steroids, but with 300% more sheep. As much as binge drinkers have a somewhat controversial perception, here are six alternatives to beer that you can use in drinking games.

It's the kind of beer you drink if you just want to get excited, but you'd rather drink something that tastes more like yellow sparkling water than beer. And as you may already know, beer pong is perhaps the king of drinking games, thanks to its enormous popularity among young people. It won't take anything away from your beer pong game, but it's also tasty enough to want a can to drink between each shot.