How many calories are in heineken silver vs regular?

Low ABV, Fewer Carbs, Fewer Calories Heineken Silver has 3.2 g of carbohydrates, 95 calories, and 4% ABV in a 12-ounce serving. This compares to the iconic Heineken, which has 11 g of carbohydrates, about 149 calories, and 5.4% alcohol in a 12-ounce serving. Meanwhile, Heineken 0.0, has 0% alcohol, 69 calories and 16 g of carbohydrates. Heineken Silver is a very refreshing beer, really.

Open and several Formula 1 races, including the title sponsor of the Heineken Silver Las Vegas Formula 1 Grand Prix in November. According to Salinas, lightweight lagers represent nearly 50 percent of the market, and that's exactly Heineken Silver's goal.